Thursday, May 24, 2012

Week of May 29-31

Tue: We will not meet in class. Instead of class, do the required Blog Posting Assignment:

1. Write another response to Roberson. Choose a poem or section from the book that you have not already written about and writing anything and everything you can about it, from the use of language to how it looks visually on the page. Use examples and discuss/explain your ideas. 3-5 paragraphs.

2. Post your "after Ed Roberson" poem on the blog on Tue also.

For Thur: see syllabus for reading assignments, write a blog response on at least 2-3 of the stories from Fiction Packet 1. Come to class prepared to discuss.

Poetry Portfolio Due in Class on Thur.

Monday, May 21, 2012

This Week May 22-24

Tue: bring 2 poems (Typed) that you have written so far. Bring 2 copies to share/workshop and turn in.

Come prepared to discuss the first half of Roberson's City Eclogue

Thur: Come prepared to discuss the second half of Roberson's City Eclogue
Lamott, Bird By Bird: read Introduction - p. 32

Monday, May 14, 2012

For Week of May 15

Please see syllabus for reading. Poetry Packet is available on myemich for this class (under files). Read the first 3 poets (Shakespeare, Mullen, Berrigan) and come prepared to discuss.

Writing exercises, keep working on these from last week:

Make a list of 25 words from the first poetry handout; choose any words from any of the poems. Use this list to write 3 poems; use as many of the words as possible in each poem, so you have 3 versions of poems written from the list.

Write a poem called "13 ways of looking at...." and fill in the blank at the end. Model your poem after W. Stevens "13 ways of looking at a blackbird" though you make write your poem in any form or style.

Also, check and make sure your blog link is working from this blog page. If it isn't, bring the address again to class and let's make sure it works.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Happy summer 2012 and welcome to creative writing. Here you will find announcements, assignment clarification, and additional notes related to our class. Please also follow the syllabus to be clear on any assignments and details.